JUDICIARY Latest Features

Sexual Offences Dominate Kamuli Criminal Session
HW Ajio, CM Jinja seated in the middle during the sensitization meeting

KAMULI: Jinja Chief Magistrate and caretaker of Kamuli CM Court, HW Hellen Ajio started a session of 73 cases.

The session kicked off with a sensitization session for all court users on the different court processes and initiatives as well as what to expect during the session.

Out of the 73 cases, 57 are for attempted defilement and rape, 12 for attempted murder,three for arson and one for grievous harm.

Inmates were equally sensitized on the different access to justice initiatives at their disposal including Plea Bargaining.

The session is expected to run for one month and services of two advocates under the state brief scheme will be utilized during the session.

HW Ajio said the session is one of the mechanisms the court is using to fight case backlog.

Posted 8th, April 2019
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